<template> <view class="container"> <view class="detail-desc"> <view class="d-header"> <text>交易信息</text> </view> <view class="c-list"> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">卖方</text> <view class="con-list"> <text>{{tradeInfo.seller}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">买方</text> <view class="con-list"> <text>{{tradeInfo.buyer}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">交易数量</text> <view class="con-list"> <text>{{numFilter(tradeInfo.count)}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">库点</text> <view class="con-list"> <text>{{tradeInfo.title}}</text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="d-header"> <text>审核项目</text> </view> <view class="c-list"> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">发票类型</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写发票类型" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.invoiceType" @input="invoiceTypeInput"></input> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">包装方式</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写包装方式" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.packing" @input="packingInput"></input> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">点价(元/吨)</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写点价" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.unitPrice" @input="unitPriceInput"></input> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">基差(元/吨)</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写基差" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.basis" @input="basisInput"></input> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">发票费用(元/吨)</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写发票费用" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.invoiceMoney" @input="invoiceMoneyInput"></input> </view> </view> <view v-if="tradeInfo.type == 1" class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">卸车费(元/吨)</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写卸车费" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.unloadingFee" @input="unloadingFeeInput"></input> </view> </view> <view v-else class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">包装费用(元/吨)</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写包装费用" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.packingMoney" @input="packingMoneyInput"></input> </view> </view> <view class="c-row b-b"> <text class="tit">合同编号</text> <view class="con-list"> <input placeholder="请填写合同编号" name="input" v-model="tradeInfo.tradeContractNo" @input="tradeContractNoInput"></input> </view> </view> </view> <view v-if="taskStatus == 1" class="page-bottom"> <view class="action-btn-group"> <button type="primary" class=" action-btn no-border add-cart-btn" @click="finish">完成</button> </view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> import { mapState } from 'vuex'; export default { data() { return { tradeInfo:[], taskStatus:0 }; }, computed: { ...mapState(['hasLogin','userInfo']), }, onShow() { }, onLoad(options) { const that = this this.taskId = options.taskId this.taskStatus = options.taskStatus uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) that.$api.request('trade', 'getTradeDetailTask', { taskId: options.taskId }, failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { that.tradeInfo = res.data uni.hideLoading() }) }, onReady(){ }, methods: { invoiceTypeInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.invoiceType = e.detail.value }, packingInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.packing = e.detail.value }, unitPriceInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.unitPrice = e.detail.value }, basisInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.basis = e.detail.value }, invoiceMoneyInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.invoiceMoney = e.detail.value }, packingMoneyInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.packingMoney = e.detail.value }, tradeContractNoInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.tradeContractNo = e.detail.value }, unloadingFeeInput(e){ this.tradeInfo.unloadingFee = e.detail.value }, finish(){ const that = this if(!that.tradeInfo.tradeContractNo){ this.$api.msg('请填写合同编号'); return; } uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) that.$api.request('trade', 'finishTradeTask', { taskId: that.taskId, tradeDO:JSON.stringify(that.tradeInfo) }, failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { uni.hideLoading() that.$api.msg('完成成功') setTimeout(()=>{uni.navigateBack({})},1000); }) }, priceInput(e){ this.price = e.detail.value }, otherPriceInput(e){ this.otherPrice = e.detail.value }, insuranceFeeInput(e){ this.insuranceFee = e.detail.value }, netWeightInput(e){ this.netWeight = e.detail.value }, carNoInput(e){ this.carNo = e.detail.value }, rentboxFeeInput(e){ this.rentboxFee = e.detail.value }, loadingFeeInput(e){ this.loadingFee = e.detail.value }, boxNoInput(e){ this.boxNo = e.detail.value }, numFilter (value) { if(!value){ return 0 } // 截取当前数据到小数点后两位 let realVal = parseFloat(value).toFixed(2) return realVal }, carInput(item,e){ if(item.count>item.tranCount){ uni.showToast({ title: `当前车辆可载吨数为${item.tranCount},请不要超过`, icon:'none', duration: 2000 }) item.count = 0 }else{ item.count = e.detail.value } }, selectInPerson(item){ if(JSON.stringify(this.carlist).indexOf(JSON.stringify(item.id))==-1){ this.carlist.push(item) }else{ for(var i=0;i<this.carlist.length;i++){ if(this.carlist[i].id==item.id){ this.carlist[i].count=item.count } } } this.modalName = null }, ChooseSignImage() { this.handwriting = new Handwriting({ lineColor: this.lineColor, slideValue: this.slideValue, // 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 canvasName: 'handWriting', }) this.showAutograph = true }, uploadScaleStart(event){ this.handwriting.uploadScaleStart(event) }, uploadScaleMove(event){ this.handwriting.uploadScaleMove(event) }, uploadScaleEnd(event){ this.handwriting.uploadScaleEnd(event) }, retDraw() { this.handwriting.retDraw() }, hideModal(e) { this.modalName = null }, ViewImage(e) { var img = []; img = e.currentTarget.dataset.url.split(' ') uni.previewImage({ current:0, urls: img }); }, selectPerson(){ const that = this uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) that.$api.request('tran', 'getCarList', { tranNo:that.carInfo.tranNo, taskId:that.taskId }, failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { for(var i=0;i<res.data.length;i++){ console.log(res.data[i].tranCount) res.data[i].count = res.data[i].tranCount } that.userList = res.data if(that.userList.length == 0){ that.$api.msg('暂无汽车号') } else{ var height = that.userList.length * 100 var width = 500 that.userStyle = "height:"+height+"rpx;width:" + width+"rpx" that.modalName = 'inModal' } uni.hideLoading() }) }, DelImg(e) { uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '确定要删除该照片吗?', cancelText: '取消', confirmText: '确定', success: res => { if (res.confirm) { if(e.currentTarget.dataset.index == 0){ this.trainImg = ""; } else if(e.currentTarget.dataset.index == 1){ this.otherImg = ""; } } } }) }, ChooseImage() { uni.chooseImage({ count: 1, //默认9 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album','camera'], //从相册选择 success: (res) => { //上传图片 //图片路径可自行修改 uploadImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], 'trainImg/', result => { this.trainImg = result uni.hideLoading(); } ) } }); }, ChooseImageOther() { uni.chooseImage({ count: 1, //默认9 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album','camera'], //从相册选择 success: (res) => { //上传图片 //图片路径可自行修改 uploadImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], 'otherImg/', result => { this.otherImg = result uni.hideLoading(); } ) } }); }, goodsValueInput(e){ this.goodsValue = e.detail.value }, numInput(e){ this.addNum = e.detail.value }, wechatNoInput(e) { this.wechatNo = e.detail.value }, gaipai(){ console.log(1111) const that = this uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) that.$api.request('user', 'getUserList', { role:'外勤' }, failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { that.userList = res.data if(that.userList.length == 0){ that.$api.msg('暂无外勤信息') } else{ var height = that.userList.length * 100 var width = 500 that.userStyle = "height:"+height+"rpx;width:" + width+"rpx" that.modalName = 'userModal' } uni.hideLoading() }) }, mygaipai(id){ this.nextUserId=id var that = this that.$api.request('tran', 'gaipai',{ taskId: that.taskId, outPersonId:id, taskType:that.taskType },failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) that.modalName = null uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { that.modalName = null uni.navigateBack({ delta: 2 }) uni.hideLoading() }) }, }, } </script> <style lang='scss' scoped="true"> .container{ padding-bottom: 160upx; 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