@@ -3,96 +3,59 @@
<u-form ref="uForm">
<u-form ref="uForm">
<view class="form_top">基本信息</view>
<view class="form_top">基本信息</view>
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" class="label_css"
- label="车牌号">
+ <u-form-item label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" class="label_css" label="车牌号">
<u-input v-model="list.carNo" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
<u-input v-model="list.carNo" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='150' :borderBottom="false" label="起点">
+ <!-- <u-form-item label-width='150' :borderBottom="false" label="起点">
<view class="place">
<view class="place">
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='150' :borderBottom="false" label="终点">
+ <u-form-item label-width='150' :borderBottom="false" label="终点">
<view class="place">
<view class="place">
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='150' :borderBottom="false" label="备注">
- <view class="place">
- {{list.remark}}
- </view>
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="总油耗(升)">
- <u-input v-model="list.tfc" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="总金额(元)">
- <u-input v-model="list.totalCost" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
- </u-form-item>
- <!-- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="上次申请时间">
- <u-input v-model="list.createDate" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="本次申请时间">
- <u-input v-model="list.createDate" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
</u-form-item> -->
</u-form-item> -->
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==1' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="申请时间">
- <u-input v-model="list.createDate" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
+ <u-form-item label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="油耗(升)">
+ <u-input v-model="list.fillingDetailInfo.oilConsumption" input-align="right" placeholder="--"
+ disabled />
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==3' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="仓库名">
- <u-input v-model="list.warehouseName" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
+ <u-form-item label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="油耗单价(元)">
+ <u-input input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled
+ v-model="list.fillingDetailInfo.currentOilPrice" />
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==3' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="备注">
- <u-input v-model="list.remark" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
+ <u-form-item label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="金额(元)">
+ <u-input input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled
+ v-model="list.fillingDetailInfo.currentConsumption" />
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==3' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="请款金额">
- <u-input v-model="list.amountRequested" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
+ <u-form-item label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="申请时间">
+ <u-input input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled v-model="list.fillingDetailInfo.createDate" />
- <u-form-item v-if='list.strokeType==3' label-width='260' :borderBottom="false" label="请款时间">
- <u-input v-model="list.createDate" input-align="right" placeholder="--" disabled />
+ <u-form-item label-width='150' :borderBottom="false" label="备注">
+ <view class="place">
+ {{list.remark}}
+ </view>
- <view v-if="list.fillingDetailInfoList">
- <u-form v-for="(item,index) in list.fillingDetailInfoList" :labelWidth="200">
- <div>加油-{{index+1}}</div>
- <u-form-item label="油耗(升)">
- <!-- {{item.oilConsumption}} -->
- <u-input v-model="item.oilConsumption" disabled inputAlign="right" />
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item label="单价(元/升)">
- <!-- {{item.currentOilPrice}} -->
- <u-input v-model="item.currentOilPrice" disabled inputAlign="right" />
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item label="油费(元)">
- <!-- {{item.currentConsumption}} -->
- <u-input v-model="item.currentConsumption" disabled inputAlign="right" />
- </u-form-item>
- <!-- <u-form-item label="凭证"> -->
- <!-- <img :src="item.addressUrl" alt="" mode="aspectFill"> -->
- <!-- <upload class="upload" ref="upload" :action="action" :max-size="maxSize" :max-count="1"
- :size-type="['compressed']" :deletable="false" @on-uploaded="isAdd = true"
- :before-upload="filterFileType" @on-progress="onProgress" :fileList="item.urlList">
- </upload> -->
- <!-- </u-form-item> -->
- <view class="voucher">
- <view class="voucher_tips">加油凭证</view>
- <view >
- <u-upload :action="action" imageMode='aspectFill' :file-list="item.urlList" max-count="1" :deletable="false" :show-progress="false"></u-upload>
- </view>
- </view>
- </u-form>
- </view>
- <view v-if="list.shortFillingInfoList">
- <u-form v-for="(item,index) in list.shortFillingInfoList">
- <div>加油-{{index+1}}</div>
- <u-form-item label="车牌号">
- {{item.carNo}}
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item label="起始地">
- {{item.originProvince}}{{item.originCity}}{{item.originArea}}{{item.originAddress}}
- </u-form-item>
- <u-form-item label="终到地">
- {{item.destinationProvince}}{{item.destinationCity}}{{item.destinationArea}}{{item.destinationAddress}}
- </u-form-item>
- </u-form>
+ <view>
+ <view class="" @click.stop="playPlace">
+ 查看轨迹
+ </view>
+ <view class="">
+ <map style="width: 100%; height: 300px;" :markers="covers" :polyline="polyline" :latitude="latitude"
+ :longitude="longitude" id="myMap">
+ </map>
+ </view>
+ <!-- <button v-if="startMove" @click="handleStopMove()">暂停移动</button>
+ <button v-else @click="handleStartMove()">开始移动</button> -->
+ <!-- <xbd-maptrack :polyline="polyline" :covers="covers" :isauto="false" @getStopTrack="getStopTrack">
+ </xbd-maptrack> -->
+ <!-- <view style="position: fixed;bottom: 11%;">
+ <view>播放停止或进度条拖动后的返回值: </view>
+ {{trackObj}}
+ </view> -->
<u-form ref="uForm">
<u-form ref="uForm">
<view class="form_top">流程</view>
<view class="form_top">流程</view>
@@ -144,7 +107,8 @@
<view class="flex audit_img">
<view class="flex audit_img">
<view v-for="(items,indexs) in item.fileUrl" class="url_css">
<view v-for="(items,indexs) in item.fileUrl" class="url_css">
- <image :src="items" imageMode='aspectFill' class="url_img" @click="auditFile(items)"></image>
+ <image :src="items" imageMode='aspectFill' class="url_img"
+ @click="auditFile(items)"></image>
@@ -184,20 +148,20 @@
<u-icon name="close" class="close" color="#8890B1" @click="close()"></u-icon>
<u-icon name="close" class="close" color="#8890B1" @click="close()"></u-icon>
<view style='overflow-y: scroll;height: 740rpx;padding-bottom:102rpx;'>
<view style='overflow-y: scroll;height: 740rpx;padding-bottom:102rpx;'>
- <view class="u-textarea-style">
- <view class="right-bottom">
- {{auditMind.length}}/1000个字
- </view>
- <textarea maxlength="1000" v-model='auditMind' placeholder="请在此输入审核意见" name="" id="" cols="30"
- rows="11"></textarea>
+ <view class="u-textarea-style">
+ <view class="right-bottom">
+ {{auditMind.length}}/1000个字
+ </view>
+ <textarea maxlength="1000" v-model='auditMind' placeholder="请在此输入审核意见" name="" id="" cols="30"
+ rows="11"></textarea>
- </view>
- <u-upload class="upload" ref="upload" name='fileName' :form-data="{companyId: pcUserInfo.compId,
+ </view>
+ <u-upload class="upload" ref="upload" name='fileName' :form-data="{companyId: pcUserInfo.compId,
modelId: '',
modelId: '',
vesselId: ''}" :action="action1" :show-tips="false" :max-size="maxSize" :max-count="9"
vesselId: ''}" :action="action1" :show-tips="false" :max-size="maxSize" :max-count="9"
- :size-type="['compressed']" @on-success="getImgUrl($event)" @on-error="onError"
- @on-remove="onRemove" @on-uploaded="isAdd = true" :limitType ="['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'gif']"
- @on-progress="onProgress"></u-upload>
+ :size-type="['compressed']" @on-success="getImgUrl($event)" @on-error="onError"
+ @on-remove="onRemove" @on-uploaded="isAdd = true"
+ :limitType="['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'gif']" @on-progress="onProgress"></u-upload>
<view @click='close()' class="cancel">取消</view>
<view @click='close()' class="cancel">取消</view>
<view @click='passSubmit()' class="confirm">确定</view>
<view @click='passSubmit()' class="confirm">确定</view>
@@ -213,21 +177,43 @@
import * as config from '../../../config'
import * as config from '../../../config'
import upload from '@/components/upload.vue';
import upload from '@/components/upload.vue';
import helper from '@/common/helper.js';
import helper from '@/common/helper.js';
+ // import xbdMaptrack from '@/components/xbdMaptrack/xbdMaptrack';
export default {
export default {
components: {
components: {
+ // xbdMaptrack
data() {
data() {
return {
return {
+ mapContext: null, //地图对象
+ startMove: false, //是否开始回放
+ nextPointIndex: 1, //下一个坐标点的索引
+ durationTime: 1000, //相邻两点动画持续时长默认1秒
+ latitude: 39.909,
+ longitude: 116.39742,
+ covers: [{
+ id: 2,
+ latitude: 0,
+ longitude: 0
+ }],
+ polyline: [{
+ points: [], // 点集合
+ color: '#3591fc', // 线的颜色
+ arrowLine: true, //带箭头的线
+ width: 6 // 线的宽度
+ }],
everyCheck: '',
everyCheck: '',
id: "",
id: "",
- pcUserInfo :uni.getStorageSync('pcUserInfo'),
- action1: config.def().baseUrlNew+ 'appendix/api/uploadFiles',
- maxSize: 50 * 1024 * 1024,
+ pcUserInfo: uni.getStorageSync('pcUserInfo'),
+ action1: config.def().baseUrlNew + 'appendix/api/uploadFiles',
+ maxSize: 50 * 1024 * 1024,
currentPage: 1,
currentPage: 1,
pageSize: 10,
pageSize: 10,
- fileUrl:[],
+ fileUrl: [],
list: {
list: {
+ fillingDetailInfo: {
+ oilConsumption: ''
+ },
status: "",
status: "",
contractGoodsInfo: {},
contractGoodsInfo: {},
contractProcessInfo: {}
contractProcessInfo: {}
@@ -267,6 +253,21 @@
methods: {
methods: {
+ //播放轨迹
+ playPlace() {
+ console.log("tiaozhuan")
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: "/pages/task/playMap?startDate=" + this.datalist.amountDeadline + "&endDate=" + this
+ .datalist.amountDeadline.createDate
+ })
+ // startDate: "2023-02-20 01:00:00",
+ // endDate: "2023-02-20 24:00:00",
+ // uni.navigateTo({
+ // url: "/pages/task/playMap?startDate=2023-02-20 01:00:00&endDate=2023-02-20 24:00:00"
+ // })
+ //设置地图
+ },
auditFile(src) {
auditFile(src) {
url: src,
url: src,
@@ -319,39 +320,30 @@
showcontent(item) {
showcontent(item) {
item.showflow = !item.showflow
item.showflow = !item.showflow
- getList(id) {
+ async getList(id) {
var that = this
var that = this
title: '加载中',
title: '加载中',
mask: true
mask: true
- that.$api.doRequest('get', '/fuelFillingInfo/getFilling', {
+ await that.$api.doRequest('get', '/fuelFillingInfo/getFilling', {
id: that.id
id: that.id
}).then(res => {
}).then(res => {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
that.list = res.data.data
that.list = res.data.data
- for (let i = 0; i < that.list.fillingDetailInfoList.length; i++) {
- let urlList = []
- if (that.list.fillingDetailInfoList[i].addressUrl) {
- let datalist = that.list.fillingDetailInfoList[i].addressUrl.split(",")
- for (let j = 0; j < datalist.length; j++) {
- urlList.push({
- url: datalist[j]
- })
- }
- that.list.fillingDetailInfoList[i].urlList = urlList
+ let urlList = []
+ console.log(this.list)
+ if (that.list.fillingDetailInfo.addressUrl) {
+ let datalist = that.list.fillingDetailInfo.addressUrl.split(",")
+ for (let j = 0; j < datalist.length; j++) {
+ urlList.push({
+ url: datalist[j]
+ })
+ that.list.fillingDetailInfo.urlList = urlList
- // this.$api.doRequest('get', '/appendix/query/getFileList', {
- // appendixIds: that.list.addressUrl
- // }).then(res1 => {
- // that.imglist = res1.data.data
- // for (let i = 0; i < that.imglist.length; i++) {//获取后缀
- // if (that.imglist[i].appendixName) {
- // let index = that.imglist[i].appendixName.lastIndexOf(".")
- // that.imglist[i].type = that.imglist[i].appendixName.substring(index+1)
- // }
- // }
// 审核流程
// 审核流程
this.$api.doRequest('get', '/workflow/query/workflowDefinitions', {
this.$api.doRequest('get', '/workflow/query/workflowDefinitions', {
@@ -364,227 +356,202 @@
}).then(response => {
}).then(response => {
for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
- this.$set(response.data.data[i],'status','question')
+ this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status', 'question')
// console.log(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks,i)
// console.log(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks,i)
- if(response.data.data[i].commonStaffs){
- response.data.data[i].showflow=false
- response.data.data[i].operatorTitle=response.data.data[i].desc.substring(0,2)
- response.data.data[i].operatorName=response.data.data[i].desc
- response.data.data[i].staffscontent='共'+response.data.data[i].commonStaffs.length+'人,当前审核'+response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length+'人'
- if(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks&&response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length>0){
- if(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length!=response.data.data[i].commonStaffs.length){
+ if (response.data.data[i].commonStaffs) {
+ response.data.data[i].showflow = false
+ response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = response.data
+ .data[i]
+ .desc.substring(0, 2)
+ response.data.data[i].operatorName = response.data
+ .data[i]
+ .desc
+ response.data.data[i].staffscontent = '共' + response
+ .data
+ .data[i].commonStaffs.length + '人,当前审核' + response
+ .data
+ .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length + '人'
+ if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks &&
+ response
+ .data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length > 0) {
+ if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks
+ .length != response.data.data[i].commonStaffs
+ .length) {
// response.data.data[i].status='question'
// response.data.data[i].status='question'
- this.$set(response.data.data[i],'status','question')
- }else{
- this.$set(response.data.data[i],'status','success')
+ this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
+ 'question')
+ } else {
+ this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
+ 'success')
// response.data.data[i].status='success'
// response.data.data[i].status='success'
- response.data.data[i].workflowlen=response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length
- var workflowdata=response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks
- var staffsdata=response.data.data[i].commonStaffs
+ response.data.data[i].workflowlen = response.data
+ .data[
+ i].workflowHistoricTasks.length
+ var workflowdata = response.data.data[i]
+ .workflowHistoricTasks
+ var staffsdata = response.data.data[i].commonStaffs
for (let q = 0; q < staffsdata.length; q++) {
for (let q = 0; q < staffsdata.length; q++) {
- staffsdata[q].status=false
- staffsdata[q].staffTitle=staffsdata[q].staffName
+ staffsdata[q].status = false
+ staffsdata[q].staffTitle = staffsdata[q]
+ .staffName
for (let k = 0; k < workflowdata.length; k++) {
for (let k = 0; k < workflowdata.length; k++) {
- if(staffsdata[q].staffId==workflowdata[k].operatorId){
- staffsdata[q].status=true
+ if (staffsdata[q].staffId == workflowdata[
+ k]
+ .operatorId) {
+ staffsdata[q].status = true
- response.data.data[i].commonStaffs1=response.data.data[i].commonStaffs
- }else{
- if(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks&&response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length>0){
- var len =response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length-1
- if(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].approved){
- this.$set(response.data.data[i],'status','success')
- }else{
- this.$set(response.data.data[i],'status','error')
+ response.data.data[i].commonStaffs1 = response.data
+ .data[i]
+ .commonStaffs
+ } else {
+ if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks &&
+ response
+ .data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length > 0) {
+ var len = response.data.data[i]
+ .workflowHistoricTasks
+ .length - 1
+ if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[
+ len]
+ .approved) {
+ this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
+ 'success')
+ } else {
+ this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
+ 'error')
- response.data.data[i].operatorTitle=response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].operatorName.substring(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[0].operatorName.length - 2)
- response.data.data[i].operatorName=response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].operatorName
- var time=new Date(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].claimTime).getTime()
- response.data.data[i].updateDate=this.$u.timeFormat(time, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
+ response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = response.data
+ .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len]
+ .operatorName
+ .substring(response.data.data[i]
+ .workflowHistoricTasks[0].operatorName
+ .length -
+ 2)
+ response.data.data[i].operatorName = response.data
+ .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len]
+ .operatorName
+ var time = new Date(response.data.data[i]
+ .workflowHistoricTasks[len].claimTime)
+ .getTime()
+ response.data.data[i].updateDate = this.$u
+ .timeFormat(
+ time, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
// response.data.data[i].auditMind=response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind
// response.data.data[i].auditMind=response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind
- if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind && response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind.indexOf("##") !=-1) {
- response.data.data[i].auditMind = response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind.split("##")[0]
- response.data.data[i].fileUrl = response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind.split("##")[1].split(",")
- }else{
- response.data.data[i].auditMind = response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind
+ if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[
+ len]
+ .auditMind && response.data.data[i]
+ .workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind.indexOf(
+ "##") != -1) {
+ response.data.data[i].auditMind = response.data
+ .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len]
+ .auditMind
+ .split("##")[0]
+ response.data.data[i].fileUrl = response.data
+ .data[
+ i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind
+ .split("##")[1].split(",")
+ } else {
+ response.data.data[i].auditMind = response.data
+ .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len]
+ .auditMind
- }else{
- this.$set(response.data.data[i],'status','question')
+ } else {
+ this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
+ 'question')
// response.data.data[i].status='question'
// response.data.data[i].status='question'
- if(response.data.data[i].desc=='总经理助理审核'){
- response.data.data[i].operatorTitle='总助'
- }else if(response.data.data[i].desc=='杜大光审核'){
- response.data.data[i].operatorTitle='大光'
- }else{
- response.data.data[i].operatorTitle=response.data.data[i].desc.substring(0,2)
+ if (response.data.data[i].desc == '总经理助理审核') {
+ response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = '总助'
+ } else if (response.data.data[i].desc == '杜大光审核') {
+ response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = '大光'
+ } else {
+ response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = response
+ .data
+ .data[i].desc.substring(0, 2)
- response.data.data[i].operatorName=response.data.data[i].desc
- var time1=new Date(response.data.data[i].updateDate).getTime()
- response.data.data[i].updateDate=this.$u.timeFormat(time1, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
- response.data.data[i].auditMind=''
+ response.data.data[i].operatorName = response.data
+ .data[i].desc
+ var time1 = new Date(response.data.data[i]
+ .updateDate)
+ .getTime()
+ response.data.data[i].updateDate = this.$u
+ .timeFormat(
+ time1, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
+ response.data.data[i].auditMind = ''
- for(let i = 0 ;i<response.data.data.length;i++){
- if(response.data.data[i].status == "error"){
+ for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
+ if (response.data.data[i].status == "error") {
this.auditCheck = "error"
this.auditCheck = "error"
- }else if(response.data.data[i].status == "question"){
+ } else if (response.data.data[i].status == "question") {
this.auditCheck = "question"
this.auditCheck = "question"
- }else{
+ } else {
this.auditCheck = "success"
this.auditCheck = "success"
this.auditList = response.data.data
this.auditList = response.data.data
- var time2=new Date(this.list.createDate).getTime()
- var time3=this.$u.timeFormat(time2, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
+ var time2 = new Date(this.list.createDate).getTime()
+ var time3 = this.$u.timeFormat(time2, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
- operatorTitle:this.list.creater.substring(0,2),
- operatorName:this.list.creater,
- updateDate:time3,
- auditMind:'',
- desc:'发起申请',
- showflow:false,
- commonStaffs1:null,
- commonStaffs:null,
- workflowHistoricTasks:[],
- status:'success'
+ operatorTitle: this.list.creater.substring(0, 2),
+ operatorName: this.list.creater,
+ updateDate: time3,
+ auditMind: '',
+ desc: '发起申请',
+ showflow: false,
+ commonStaffs1: null,
+ commonStaffs: null,
+ workflowHistoricTasks: [],
+ status: 'success'
- // this.$api.doRequest('get', '/commonUser/getHis', {
- // workflowId: res1.data.data[0].id,
- // businessKey: this.id,
- // // branch:that.list.jointVentureParties?that.list.jointVentureParties:'zt'
- // }).then(response => {
- // uni.hideLoading()
- // for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
- // this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status', 'question')
- // // console.log(response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks,i)
- // if (response.data.data[i].commonStaffs) {
- // response.data.data[i].showflow = false
- // response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = response.data.data[i]
- // .desc.substring(0, 2)
- // response.data.data[i].operatorName = response.data.data[i]
- // .desc
- // response.data.data[i].staffscontent = '共' + response.data
- // .data[i].commonStaffs.length + '人,当前审核' + response.data
- // .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length + '人'
- // if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks && response
- // .data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length > 0) {
- // if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks
- // .length != response.data.data[i].commonStaffs
- // .length) {
- // // response.data.data[i].status='question'
- // this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
- // 'question')
- // } else {
- // this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
- // 'success')
- // // response.data.data[i].status='success'
- // }
- // response.data.data[i].workflowlen = response.data.data[
- // i].workflowHistoricTasks.length
- // var workflowdata = response.data.data[i]
- // .workflowHistoricTasks
- // var staffsdata = response.data.data[i].commonStaffs
- // for (let q = 0; q < staffsdata.length; q++) {
- // staffsdata[q].status = false
- // staffsdata[q].staffTitle = staffsdata[q].staffName
- // for (let k = 0; k < workflowdata.length; k++) {
- // if (staffsdata[q].staffId == workflowdata[k]
- // .operatorId) {
- // staffsdata[q].status = true
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // response.data.data[i].commonStaffs1 = response.data.data[i]
- // .commonStaffs
- // } else {
- // if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks && response
- // .data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks.length > 0) {
- // var len = response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks
- // .length - 1
- // if (response.data.data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len]
- // .approved) {
- // this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status',
- // 'success')
- // } else {
- // this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status', 'error')
- // }
- // response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = response.data
- // .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].operatorName
- // .substring(response.data.data[i]
- // .workflowHistoricTasks[0].operatorName.length -
- // 2)
- // response.data.data[i].operatorName = response.data
- // .data[i].workflowHistoricTasks[len].operatorName
- // var time = new Date(response.data.data[i]
- // .workflowHistoricTasks[len].claimTime)
- // .getTime()
- // response.data.data[i].updateDate = this.$u.timeFormat(
- // time, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
- // response.data.data[i].auditMind = response.data.data[i]
- // .workflowHistoricTasks[len].auditMind
- // } else {
- // this.$set(response.data.data[i], 'status', 'question')
- // // response.data.data[i].status='question'
- // if (response.data.data[i].desc == '总经理助理审核') {
- // response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = '总助'
- // } else if (response.data.data[i].desc == '杜大光审核') {
- // response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = '大光'
- // } else {
- // response.data.data[i].operatorTitle = response.data
- // .data[i].desc.substring(0, 2)
- // }
- // response.data.data[i].operatorName = response.data
- // .data[i].desc
- // var time1 = new Date(response.data.data[i].updateDate)
- // .getTime()
- // response.data.data[i].updateDate = this.$u.timeFormat(
- // time1, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
- // response.data.data[i].auditMind = ''
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // console.log(response.data.data)
- // for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
- // if (response.data.data[i].status == "error") {
- // this.auditCheck = "error"
- // break;
- // } else if (response.data.data[i].status == "question") {
- // this.auditCheck = "question"
- // break;
- // } else {
- // this.auditCheck = "success"
- // }
- // }
- // this.auditList = response.data.data
- // var time2 = new Date(this.list.createDate).getTime()
- // var time3 = this.$u.timeFormat(time2, 'mm.dd hh:MM')
- // this.auditList.unshift({
- // operatorTitle: this.list.creater.substring(0, 2),
- // operatorName: this.list.creater,
- // updateDate: time3,
- // auditMind: '',
- // desc: '发起申请',
- // showflow: false,
- // commonStaffs1: null,
- // commonStaffs: null,
- // workflowHistoricTasks: [],
- // status: 'success'
- // })
- // })
- // })
- })
+ })
+ await this.$api.doRequest('post', '/CarPostionController/api/gettrack', {
+ // startDate:this.datalist.amountDeadline ,
+ // endDate: this.datalist.amountDeadline.createDate,
+ startDate: "2023-02-20 01:00:00",
+ endDate: "2023-02-20 24:00:00",
+ }).then(res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ if (res.data.code == 200) {
+ // uni.hideLoading()
+ let _list = JSON.parse(res.data.data)
+ this.latitude = _list[0].lat
+ this.longitude = _list[0].lng
+ this.covers[0].latitude = this.latitude;
+ this.covers[0].longitude = this.longitude;
+ console.log("_list", _list)
+ this.polyline[0].points = []
+ for (let i = 0; i < _list.length; i++) {
+ this.polyline[0].points.push({
+ latitude: _list[i].lat,
+ longitude: _list[i].lng
+ })
+ }
+ console.log(this.polyline)
+ // var that = this
+ // setTimeout(() => {
+ // that.durationTime = Math.ceil(30000 / that.polyline[0].points
+ // .length) //默认播放全程使用30秒,计算相连两点动画时长
+ // that.initMapData()
+ // }, 1000)
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(res => {
+ uni.$u.toast(res.message);
+ });
filterFileType(index, lists) {
filterFileType(index, lists) {
if (lists[index].fileType != 'jpg' && lists[index].fileType != 'png' && lists[index].fileType != 'gif') {
if (lists[index].fileType != 'jpg' && lists[index].fileType != 'png' && lists[index].fileType != 'gif') {
@@ -623,7 +590,7 @@
that.$api.doRequest('post', '/newWorkflow/api/handle', {
that.$api.doRequest('post', '/newWorkflow/api/handle', {
taskId: that.list.taskId,
taskId: that.list.taskId,
approved: false,
approved: false,
- auditMind: info?info:"",
+ auditMind: info ? info : "",
needReapply: true,
needReapply: true,
}).then(res => {
}).then(res => {
@@ -656,7 +623,7 @@
that.$api.doRequest('post', '/newWorkflow/api/handle', {
that.$api.doRequest('post', '/newWorkflow/api/handle', {
taskId: that.list.taskId,
taskId: that.list.taskId,
approved: true,
approved: true,
- auditMind: info?info:"",
+ auditMind: info ? info : "",
needReapply: true,
needReapply: true,
}).then(res => {
}).then(res => {
@@ -884,8 +851,8 @@
padding: 10px;
padding: 10px;
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
font-size: 34rpx;
font-size: 34rpx;
- z-index:10;
- background:#fff;
+ z-index: 10;
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.cancel {
.cancel {
@@ -974,8 +941,8 @@
position: absolute;
position: absolute;
border-radius: 50%;
border-radius: 50%;
padding: 0px 8rpx;
padding: 0px 8rpx;
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right: -3px;
right: -3px;
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bottom: -3px;
background: #fff;
background: #fff;
@@ -1041,11 +1008,12 @@
.audit_img {
.audit_img {
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
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// margin: 0 10rpx;
margin-left: 20rpx;
margin-left: 20rpx;
.url_css {
.url_css {
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border: 1px solid #999999;
border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
@@ -1054,7 +1022,7 @@
overflow: hidden;
overflow: hidden;
width: 73px;
width: 73px;
height: 73px;
height: 73px;
.url_img {
.url_img {
width: 73px;
width: 73px;
height: 73px;
height: 73px;
@@ -1108,7 +1076,8 @@
font-size: 30rpx;
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: 600;
font-weight: 600;
- .place{
+ .place {
margin: auto;
margin: auto;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
text-align: right;
text-align: right;
@@ -1245,21 +1214,22 @@
text-align: right;
text-align: right;
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- .voucher_tips{
+ .voucher {
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margin-top: 20rpx;
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color: #878C9C;
.upload {
.upload {
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- /deep/.place{
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+ color: #000;
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